Sunday Services @ 9:30 & 11:15am |Join Us

Mining for Gold

Do you 'call out the gold' in people?

'Call-out culture' (also known as 'cancel culture') publicly disapproves or shuns a person, place, or thing.
...but what if instead of calling out people, the Church 'called out the gold' in people by acknowledging the innate God-given value in every man, woman & child?

Join ACF this fall as we dive into the Biblical concept of HONOR & how it applies to our spouses, leaders, neighbors & even that person you disagree with.

The whole family can participate!

Our kids ministry will incorporate an “honor moment” into each weekend service where they'll examine Romans 12:10 & talk about what honor means as well as how the culture of honor in the Kingdom of God ties into each week's lesson.


Our students ministry will be taking a closer look at how honor is carried out through the ACF mission: to enable the seeker of purpose, meaning and truth to KNOW, LOVE & SERVE Jesus Christ. Join us for Sunday service of Wednesday small groups!

Join ACFstudents

Our small groups, men's, and women's ministries will dive deeper into the concept of honor throughout the course of the 8-week sermon series. A variety of corresponding studies are available.

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We've got a spot for you!

The Connect form below is your starting point to getting plugged in at ACF. Fill out the form below to connect with any ACF ministry (including Kids, Students, Adults, Men, Women, Small Groups & Prayer) or to learn more about serving opportunities, mission trips, baptisms, or anything else you want to know about ACF!


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