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ACFwomen Summer Book Club

June 1, 2021 6:00am

Theme: “Cultivating Friendship with God & Others”
How will it work?

Invite a few friends, neighbors or co-workers to join you to discuss one of the recommended summer books (see list below). You can meet once to discuss an entire book or meet several times throughout the summer to discuss chapters more in-depth. Discuss one book or read them all! The format & timeframe are flexible to fit your schedule.

Where will book clubs meet?

Summer Book Clubs can meet at a home, in driveways or back yards, local parks, coffee shops, the ACF parking lot, on Zoom, etc. You get to decide what works best for your group of women!

I’m willing to organize a Summer Book Club. What’s my next step?

Check out our Summer Book Club Kit for 2021! It includes tips & ideas to make it super easy and fun. We just need women who are willing to ask others to join them. That’s where YOU come in! Pray about who to gather & then invite some women that God puts on your heart. You really only need 2 or 3 to join you for discussion! Are you willing to be a Summer Book Club host? Email us at   to let us know and we’ll send you some extra resources, pray for you regularly, and answer questions you have. There will also be a special gathering just for book club hosts that we’ll let you know about.

Is the Summer Book Club something my existing women’s small group can do?

Absolutely! All the books are faith-based and perfect for discussion within a small group. Just pick the book(s) your group wants to discuss!

How can I join a Summer Book Club?

If you don’t know anyone hosting a Summer Book Club and you aren’t interested in starting your own, email us at   and we’ll do our best to connect you with a group of women!

What are the recommended books?

Order one (or more) of the following books/audiobooks and start reading or listening! Each book on our curated list will help you cultivate friendship with God & others:

  • Beautiful, Messy Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships by Christine Hoover – “Women long for deep and lasting friendships but often find them challenging to make. The private angst they feel regarding friendship often translates into their own insecurity and isolation. This book offers a fresh, biblical vision for friendship that allows for the messiness of our lives and the realities of our schedules.” Note: Includes Questions for Friends to Discuss Together…great for facilitating discussion!
  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World  by John Mark Comer – The author grapples with the question, “Who am I becoming?” The answer he was given by a trusted mentor was unexpected: “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life.” This book provides a roadmap to eliminate hurry by adding back in scriptural practices such as solitude, simplicity, slowing and sabbath.
  • Motherhood Without All the Rules: Trading Stressful Standards for Gospel Truths by Maggie Combs – Seeking to be a good mom to your kids? “Though the world around us may have critical expectations and rules for mothering, Christ instead calls moms to an intimate, abiding relationship with a triune God. The book identifies the main ‘rules’ moms today often feel pressured to follow and counters them with gospel truth. Forget the ‘rules’ so that instead of being a good mom, you grow to become a holy mom.”
  • Aging with Grace: Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture by Sharon Betters and Susan Hunt – “Whatever season of life you’re in, God has equipped you to flourish―to live in the transforming power and beauty of his grace. The book uncovers present-day and biblical examples of women who rediscovered gospel-rooted joy later in their lives. You’ll be equipped with a biblical view of aging to help you encounter afresh the gospel that ‘is big enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make every season of life significant and glorious.’”

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