Looking for materials or resources to help with your small group study? Download the PDF below for access to various study guides, podcasts & reading plans on the Sermon on the Mount.

Recommended Resources


Beatitudes Sermon Series Questions 

The below documents correspond with the fall 2022 teaching series called Counter Culture: Lessons from the Beatitudes, which preceded the "Sermon on the Mount" small-group study. These resources are still available to anyone who'd like to supplement their curriculum with more in-depth questions on Matthew 5:1-10.

Beatitudes Recommended Resources & Study Materials:

Looking for extra materials or resources to help with your small group study? Download the PDF below for access to various study guides, podcasts, and reading plans.


Get Your Gear!

Check out ACF's online store for conversation-starting gear on what it means to live "Counter Culture." Wear your gear to church during the series and also to your small group gatherings! All items include the "Counter Culture" graphic as well as the "Blessed are..." statements from the Beatitudes.

Counter Culture Merch

*All items are sold at cost at the nonprofit rate.

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